Last blog of mine (All about blogging) might have given you nuances of Blogging. If you are very serious about diving into it then this post is for you.
Where to Blog?
During initial days create a page of your own in a free blogging websites like Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, Livejournal and so on. Each one of the sites has its own unique features. Learn about it and select the right choice.
How to Blog?
YouTube channels give you plenty of inputs on how to create your own blog and customize it according to your needs.
Blogger– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa6MQxJOqv4
WordPress- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BMe5dre9M0
Tumblr= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_dNxPFdzD0
LiveJournal- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3owpQ7M9jM
How to create a Fan Base?
- Despite how old you are into blogging make sure you write for other websites which accepts freelance writers to pour in thoughts. This helps you in building an audience base and enables them to trace your every move in the world of blogging.
Sites that accepts guest blogging
- Communication is a major trump card in blogging. Once your post is live in portal, periodically address every comment or input left by the visiter.This helps you in building relationship with readers as well as gives a better understanding of the reader’s requirements.
- Don’t have any agenda while writing the more you make it simpler the higher would be the traffic.
- While writing quote some of your personal instance or mistakes that you have committed so that readers can relate it with them.
How to Make Revenue?
- Blogging is into writing so follow the social handles of publishers who encourage new writers. Half Baked Beans and Blackbuck publication are quite active in recent years and they help brands in hiring a right candidate to blog on their websites.
- If you could sense some traffic in your blog then you can certainly get income through GoogleAdSense, Affiliated Programs, direct Ads, Sponsorship programs, Paid reviews.
For More about Blogging peep into ShoutMeLoud
About the author:
Meenakshi Chandrasekaran – I was writing large lines of codes before my Little Gal happened to me. An avid reader, i spend most of my time in front of books and laptop. Being a first time mom bringing up my girl helped me to gain more knowledge on every stage of parenting so i just wanted to pen down my experience to be able to read it again and again to relive those moments. Other leisure time activities include experimenting in my kitchen, crafts and gardening.
(The author is a guest blogger at Her Second Innings. The opinions expressed are those of the author.)
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