Really, A Shark!!! My God …Poor Fishes. Similar is the reaction when I want to take up a Job. Poor kids, what will happen to them? How about house responsibilities, husband.. Who will take care?
Well, who should take care when a women goes to work? How should she manage? Is marriage a curse to career or career a curse to marriage? Do we enjoy marriage more or career more? Which is more important? What is the priority? How should I decide? Relax Ladies…Relax!! We cannot answer for everyone, we can only answer apt to our lives.
Since ages nurturing and caring has been part of women persona. Is it her true nature, might be. But mainly inculcated through social norms and psychological manipulations. We blindly take it as our duty because we see it in women around us. However there is no rules and regulations for duties of a women, wife, and mother. It’s all about how much you involve.
So how much should we actually involve? Those who really manage home know that it’s never ending job. The more you are at home the more work you have to do. So where should I stop? Now, there comes Mr Shark….. Introduce small shark to your lives to know when to stop. If you introduce a small shark in the Fish tank… All the fishes are active and fresh (for if they relax the Shark will find an opportunity to gulp them up). This is a Japanese methodology to get fresh fishes when fish tanks will be moved from deep sea to main land. (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/japanese-fish-shark-story-rohit-gupta)
We are only scared of the judgmental people (in laws, relatives, neighbours) who say you are not a good wife, good mother, and good daughter in law. But don’t you realize if you build your self-esteem, you don’t care about definition of “Good”. And Come on! Even if you are all “Goody Goody” – jealous people will surely find ways to irk you. So stop thinking about others. Start thinking about yourself.
Go ahead with your Passion, for your Career is not a hindrance, it is just a small shark introduced to the comfort zone of your family. Care but not worry about family. Progress happens at the edge of convenience. All achievements happens out of Comfort Zone. Independence always increases Capability. Let family learn independence. Let them own responsibility. When time is a privilege, discipline will be automatically imbibed. Harm is generally exaggerated than what would actually happen. Let your self-esteem take over and this helps you out of guilt trips. Let your Career Shine for a appropriate Shark introduced will only encourage progress, evolution, discipline in life.
A life full of enthusiasm is the latest definition of Healthy life. Health is indeed Wealth. Build your enthusiasm to live a fulfilled life. Remember we are here to help others prepare for life. We cannot control or guide life. We are making our young ones capable in their own journey. They will learn when we give space. So help them be strong by introducing a small Shark in the fish tank of your family. Pick your Shark of passion (career) and live your fulfilled life. For even You Have Only One life to Enjoy…
About the author:
Archana Chaatra – An engineer by profession, I was with Hewlett Packard for some years. After an extended maternity break, I am rediscovering my passion and profession. Writing is my passion, so is reading . I am fond of food, health, music, yoga and all aspects around it. Not to forget my affinity towards technology. I am recently following lots of new technology and trends as an aspiring returnee to my profession.
(The author is a guest blogger at Her Second Innings. The opinions expressed are those of the author.)
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