“Don’t confuse having a career with having a life”: Hillary Rodham Clinton.
The quote makes us think…doesn’t it? We intertwine work with everything else and then start looking for “life” in that whirlpool. Little do we realize that work is just a part of the big picture called “life”. Often the magnanimity of life is overshadowed by the slice of “work” that is a part of it. Just like how family, passion, hobby are all slices too. There is no second guessing to the fact that we work an earning towards living and we work more to earn more for a better life. However, in the midst of it all we fail to acknowledge the existence of life. The present that we are living in. We rush, run and chase but have to remind ourselves to stop, breathe and live too. Life is the best gift that a human has ever received. But in the pursuit of living we forget the essence of life.
So, a balance is sought after for a balance in work – life. Technically, a woman who has a career and goes out of home to earn is a working woman. But what about the woman who stays at home and works for the home. Isn’t she a working woman too? Yes she is. And very rightly so. So why should “work/life” balance be applicable to a woman working outside the home and not for the one at home. Whether she goes out to work or whether she works at home. . ….a balance is much needed for both. So how difficult or easy is it to achieve the “balance”.
The first step towards achieving that is in acknowledging that a household chore is as much “work” as a “presentation” in office. These are not leisure activities. These are time based, scheduled activities that need planning and execution. Hence they do fall under the category of “work” and not “play”. Everybody deserves a bit of relaxation time. A day off from the kitchen and household chores is as much a balance as a day off from work at office. Both contribute to the need for some rest, unwind and rejuvenation.
Here are some simple and effective tips that are easy to remember and easier to follow:
- Working smart: If working hard is the rule, working smart is the new age mantra. Not every activity requires huge human effort. Instead, what is required is a bit of multitasking and intelligent working. This idea not only saves time, but also creates more space and time for leisure activities too.
- Rest, Rejuvenate, Relax: Going on a vacation or holiday does not have to be the only way to relax and rest. A few minutes or hours of detachment from regular activities or chore to do something is also a way to rewire the tangled up nerves again. An hour of exercise, meeting with friends, a day in the spa, shopping, movie with family are fun ways of relaxing too.
- Creative indulgence: Thinking out of the box is not just a marketing jargon. Creative ways of looking and solving something can be applied to simple day to day activities too. This makes the mundane chores also seem exciting. Involving spouses, kids as part of few activities always makes it more fun and less time taking too.
- Give passion to hobby: Hobbies are limited to music, art and craft. But when a hobby is given a dose of passion, it immediately gets upgraded to an activity to look forward to. Participation in a marathon gives the everyday walk or run a boost. Being part of an activity that spreads knowledge and awareness about plants gives gardening a boost.
Work-life balance is necessary. Working for life is good, but adding life to work is even better!!!!!!
About the author:
Padmaja Acharya – From the ancient language of Sanskrit comes my name ‘Padmaja’, derived from Padma (meaning lotus) and Ja (meaning to take birth from). A woman as created by the divine. An Engineer and MBA by virtue of education. A dance choreographer, teacher by virtue of passion. A soft skill trainer and educator by profession. An author and speaker as guided by my calling. This is what encompasses me.
(The author is a guest blogger at Her Second Innings. The opinions expressed are those of the author.)
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