Ladies, the beginning of a new financial year is a golden opportunity to hit the reset button for your career. Here are 10 things you should fix right away to set the stage for a successful year ahead.
Ladies, the beginning of a new financial year is a golden opportunity to hit the reset button for your career. Here are 10 things you should fix right away to set the stage for a successful year ahead.
1.Review Your Goals
Take a moment to revisit your career goals. Are they still aligned with your aspirations? Update them if necessary and create an action plan to achieve them. If you wish to connect with a mentor, the HERoines community is here to help.
2.Update Your Resume
Even if you are not looking for a new job, it is important to keep your resume updated. Add any new skills, achievements or responsibilities you have taken on in the past year.
3.Clean Up Your Digital Presence
Employers often check social media profiles before hiring. Make sure your online presence is professional and reflects the image you want to portray.
4.Organise Your Workspace
A clutter-free workspace can boost productivity and creativity. Take some time to declutter and organise your desk, files and digital folders.
5.Assess Your Network
Networking is key to career growth. Reach out to old contacts, attend industry events and make new connections to expand your professional network. Be part of a community that can nurture your goals and plans.
6.Invest in Professional Development
Identify areas where you can improve and invest in training or courses to enhance your skills and stay updated to the emerging skill requirements in your industry. Take a look at some of the programs we offer, curated for your professional needs.
7.Review Your Finances
Understand your financial situation and set a budget for the year. This will help you make plans for career opportunities or additional income sources.
8.Evaluate Work-Life Balance
Striking a balance between work and personal life is crucial for overall well-being. Assess your current balance and make adjustments if needed to ensure you are taking care of yourself.Take a break to attend a lifestyle session (NAS page link) with us.
9. Seek Feedback
Don't be afraid to ask for feedback and testimonials from clients, colleagues, mentors or supervisors. Use this feedback to highlight your profile and identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.
10. Set Boundaries
Know your worth and don't be afraid to set boundaries at work. Whether it is saying no to additional tasks when you are overloaded or negotiating for better compensation, stand up for yourself and your career.
By taking the time to address these 10 things at the beginning of the financial year, you will be setting yourself up for success and paving the way for a fulfilling and rewarding career ahead. Here's to a prosperous year ahead, ladies!
Stay connected with the HERoinescommunity for updates on Career, Finance, Entrepreneurship and Lifestyle, all in one place!
Her Second Innings supports women professionals on a sabbatical in their journey of getting back to work. The mission of HSI is to guide women to achieve financial independence. Support from HSI comes in the form of job interviews, reskilling programs in Automation, and, free Career Guidance Counselling. Sign up with us and complete your profile to get a call from our counselors to know your job fit.
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