That’s it!!!! I want to work again. I want to be back in the industry. I want my career back…
One commitment and hundreds of questions arise with in. Will I be able to do it? Can I manage work and home? Who will take care of my kids? Are my kids safe? Am I doing Right/ Wrong? Will others be able to take care? How should I get back to work? Whom should I approach…? And if you manage to cross all these questions and reach the interviewer then they will have another set of questions ready for us. Ufff……They are much more skeptical than we are at this point. I wish we could prove it to the world-” we have raised ourselves above questions and self doubts. Hence we are here competing with the laterals….”
Of course there should be change of attitude from the industry. It’s happening, but slowly. Let’s decipher what we can do from our side to prove the preconceived notion – “wrong”. Let’s accept this: Once you come out of your comfort zone one thing you must accept is – “Rejection”. Whether you get success or not, everyone gets rejection for sure. Now let us tell Aloud!!! Women getting back to work are much more efficient than often perceived!!! Now isn’t that true…
- Keen to Work: Women who want to get back are keener about compensating their lost years. They are ready to learn, ready to work, ready to set aside rest of their life provided they have an opportunity to prove themselves.
- Win- Win Situation: Women after her break has generally passed through all the pregnancy and emergency child care period. She has reduced the huge burden of paid maternity leaves on company. She has very less excuse when it comes to her/children/family health. Now when everything is settling, she is looking to get back. So obviously company is relieved of all unnecessary circumstances.
- Mature and Passionate: She is a mature, experienced and passionate person. If a person has chosen to restart her career then it’s out of passion and interest. A job at this stage is never a time pass. It is a lot more precious to her as she has invested huge time and effort to get back.
- Diversity and Experience: She imparts value added diversity and experience to the team. A smart team is the one which is a good mixture of juniors-seniors, creative-technical, men -women etc. In a team an experienced women adds her expertise along with diversity.
- Better Resource: She will indeed be much more valuable than a novice as she has already gone through rigorous training to get back to industry and her experience will have taught her better communication skills beforehand. She is ready to accept challenges and eager to prove herself.
- No Nonsense person: She values time hence no gossips, no unnecessary breaks and absolutely no time for politics….Isn’t that a pleasant situation…..I am sure you will admire a no nonsense person who knows to mind her tongue and talk when necessary.
Waaav, that’s realization time. Don’t you feel elated and precious? We are indeed precious but a lot of hard work goes into it and not to forget tones of rejection. Let’s prepare ourselves for rejections as it’s something we can’t evade. Always remember it’s easier to give up than hold on to a dream. We have already taken a tougher path to choose career. Get there with a smile and prepare with perseverance. Finally, let us not lose hope. Remember,“Every Cloud has silver lining”.
About the author:
Archana Chaatra – An engineer by profession, I was with Hewlett Packard for some years. After an extended maternity break, I am rediscovering my passion and profession. Writing is my passion, so is reading . I am fond of food, health, music, yoga and all aspects around it. Not to forget my affinity towards technology. I am currently following lots of new technology and trends as an aspiring returnee to my profession.
(The author is a guest blogger at Her Second Innings. The opinions expressed are those of the author.)
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