“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.”– Lewis Carroll
More often than not, many of us are set with the question “Am I doing the right Job“? “Am I fit for this role“? “Should I pursue my hobby as a profession in parallel with my work”?
After spending a number of years in the same field, it’s common for monotony to set in. In the starting phase of career, some do compromise their ambition for a higher paying job that’s outside their interests. Owing to factors like personal constraints, work-life balance or monetary benefits, some might look to work for flexible working hours or projects with different challenges. Thankfully, in this day of rapid advancement in technology, the world has open doors for opportunities that were hitherto only dreams.
Alternate career can rejuvenate us from the boredom of routine, whether pursued mainstream or in parallel with existing work. It certainly takes courage to change the course and venture into the unknown after spending years in our comfort zone.
While it’s always an option to reskill with new talents and embark on a journey in a different field, I believe that pursuing a career in one’s own areas of interest yields better results. If given a second chance in career, it’s fun to do something that sparks your curiosity.
Choosing an alternate career, despite its hitches, could be rewarding as well. Having a professional network of people in your field and seeking their help and support in initial stages will give a strong foothold. Not to forget about the availability of digital learning options which has bought the world closer and interactions much easier. It’s also easier to bank on your circle of family & friends who are acquainted on the subject.
Though the metamorphosis is not easy, patience and persistence are the keys in nurturing something new. Starting an alternate career of your forte rekindles your mind and keeps your spirits alive. After all, it’s never too late to start over again.
About The author:Nithya Jagadish – A commerce graduate with an overall experience of 10 years in the Corporate Industry. Having handled diversified assignments at HSBC and Hewlett Packard, I decided to take a break for a while. Now, a doting mother of a one year old child, I spend my day reading, apprising on my topics of interest and baby-sitting. I strongly believe in living life to the fullest and making the most of each beautiful day.(The author is a guest blogger at Her Second Innings. The opinions expressed are those of the author.)
Her Second Innings, helps capable women professionals to find their calling in their second innings. Women looking to get back to their careers, or needing advice to pursue alternate career to become financially independent Sign up with us and complete your profile. Feel free to connect with us at support@hersecondinnings.com after completing your registration formalities, and our career experts would be happy to have a conversation with you. Registered users are also eligible for our free online Soft Skills Training program.
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