“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence ” – Helen KellerDuring my first year of college, I had the privilege of being an Air cadet in NCC which presented me the opportunity to fly Gliders. In my first session, I vividly recall my Wing Commander saying “Flying is all about gaining Confidence”. Little did I know the significance of those words until a later stage in life. I always had the attitude of “Stand tall and Face it all”.
Confidence is something that can’t be built in a day. I believe life is a series of occurrences with each experience and challenge presenting us newer opportunities to strengthen and gain conviction.
While there is no ‘’One approach fits all” methodology, I am listing a few pointers that has helped me over the years.• Get out of your Comfort zone :It is cosy to bask in the familiar, but to progress, it’s necessary to step out of the zone and be prepared to feel awkward. Pushing your limits and embarking on the unknown will provide you with immense confidence.
• Avoid Comparisons :Many a day is lost in comparing our lives with others. The advent of Social media while a boon, casts gloom when used to equate our living standards. It’s highly pertinent that we develop the maturity to be happy with what we have.
• Look for happiness in the littlest of things :It’s not always the money or the sophistication that enriches our lives. Small deeds like talking to a friend after a long break, an evening stroll, the tranquility of early mornings etc. means much more than the materialistic inclinations. You need to find out what makes you happy and do more of it.
• Wherever you are, give it your all :Pay attention to detail and enjoy the path you are on. Giving your 100% will increase your zest for life and make it more meaningful.
• Maintain a Positivity Journal :It’s fun to have a journal with the events of your life that made you ecstatic. When you walk down the memory lane, it will evoke a string of pleasant thoughts and uplift your confidence to achieve more.
• Be grateful.There is goodness around us; all that we need to do is to look for it. A positive mind will enlighten you to oversee the flaws and appreciate the things you are blessed with. Having a grateful attitude will strengthen your mind and enhance your self-belief.
Today, I am happy for a few unconventional choices that gave me the strength and poise to become Confident. The intimidation I felt in the early stages gradually transformed into credence and courage. In all walks of life, having a positive outlook and facing situations with Confidence has bettered things for me and those around.
You may also want to read other articles written by the author: ‘Stop limiting yourself‘, ‘Doing what you love – hobbies and passion to opportunity‘, ‘ Maximise your productivity to unleash your potential‘, ‘Be your own boss‘, ‘Broaden your intellectual horizon‘, ‘Career metamorphosis – Expert to beginner’, “Importance of networking for success in your career“, ‘Busy Day vs Productive Day‘, ‘Money matters for womens financial independence‘.
About the author:
Nithya Jagadish – I am a commerce graduate with an overall experience of 10 years in the Corporate Industry and handled diversified assignments at HSBC and Hewlett Packard. After gaining considerable knowledge and success during my tenure, I decided to focus my attention on other areas of interest. Now, a doting mother of a one year old, I spend my day reading, apprising on my topics of interest and baby-sitting.
An avid reader and poetry enthusiast, my love for writing started while at school and my dreams have borne fruits after motherhood. I strongly believe in living life to the fullest and making the most of each beautiful day.
(The author is a guest blogger at Her Second Innings. The opinions expressed are those of the author.)
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