‘’You get your wind back, remember the finish line, and keep going’’ – Steve Jobs
It’s the end of another year, which brings along with it an array of festivities, and also an appraisal. Performance reviews, while an indicator of a person’s progress for the entire year, also has implications on other factors such as morale, growth opportunities etc. Since it’s so vital, having a low rating would spell trouble in more ways than one. In such scenarios, how to revive from an unfavourable Performance appraisal?
It’s certainly not easy to be in the lower rung of the ladder. Having a negative discussion about performance has the tendency to demoralise and impede in productivity. A person with low rating will be looked upon with inquisitiveness and observed keenly for the next move. A few pointers to handle such sensitive situations:
1. Introspect, bridge the gaps :
Give in all your efforts to understand why your work is not up to the mark. It could be differences in expectations vs deliverables, the procedures you adopt or any other factor. It’s quite normal to feel disgruntled, but venting out will not make the situation any better. Rather have a candid conversation with your supervisor, explore ways to remedy the shortcomings in the forthcoming year.
2. Seek help :
If there are any reasons that limit in performing work to your fullest capability, have it sorted. Be it administrative issues, too many tasks handed over with no help or work assigned outside your designation etc. have it taken care of.
3. Have Periodical reviews :
Rather than waiting for an entire year to pass by, have a review with your manager once in a quarter. Have specific goals, accomplish them and showcase during such discussions. Sometimes, while you think you are heading in the right direction, there could be a deviation from what is expected. Having periodical reviews will help to iron out such differences in a suitable manner.
4. Stay positive:
More so than anything else, stay positive. Though it’s a tough phase, accumulating negativity and sulking will hamper your vigour and the work you do. Set timely measurable goals, and appreciate yourself while achieving them.
5. Action plans for the future:
Take this as a learning opportunity; learn from the mistakes and chart action plans to ensure healthy work practices in future. Collate the measures you took during this rough phase and use them as a guide to tackle any other professional challenges.
It’s easier said than done, but when set with adverse conditions, its fine to take a step back, slow down and rearrange the course of action as required. Ensure to let go of things that weigh you down, set realistic and achievable targets that are in sync with your deliverables and take control of your situation. Though it’s not possible to go back and undo the year that passed by, there’s always the hope of bettering things for the next.
You may also want to read other articles written by the author: ‘Stop limiting yourself‘, ‘Doing what you love – hobbies and passion to opportunity‘, ‘ Maximise your productivity to unleash your potential‘, ‘Be your own boss‘, ‘Broaden your intellectual horizon‘, ‘Career metamorphosis – Expert to beginner’, ‘Importance of networking for success in your career’, ‘Busy Day vs Productive Day‘, ‘Money matters for womens financial independence‘, ‘ ‘Being overlooked for promotion‘ , ‘Addressing the gender paygap disparity ‘ , ‘ The art of saying No at work‘ .
About the author:
Nithya Jagadish – I am a commerce graduate with an overall experience of 10 years in the Corporate Industry and handled diversified assignments at HSBC and Hewlett Packard. After gaining considerable knowledge and success during my tenure, I decided to focus my attention on other areas of interest. Now, a doting mother of a one year old, I spend my day reading, apprising on my topics of interest and baby-sitting.
An avid reader and poetry enthusiast, my love for writing started while at school and my dreams have borne fruits after motherhood. I strongly believe in living life to the fullest and making the most of each beautiful day.
(The author is a guest blogger at Her Second Innings. The opinions expressed are those of the author.)
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