It is a 3 letter story- Cried, Tried, and Conquered. Yes, definitely Women are the catalyst for change.
Women have become increasingly central to initiatives to be the Champions of Change by bringing in, managing & leading the Corporate Reforms and Emerging as Global leaders to build resilience, buoyancy, and the Wings of Transformation for self and others.
Quite often, there comes a woman who rises above the stereotypes, musters up the strength and courage to stand up for what is right, and find hopes to pave the way for better tomorrow.
It is a wake-up call for the corporate now, to employ more and more women in every role (IT/ Non-IT and others), promoting Diversity across the globe, improving GDP by participating in economic activities, and strengthening the ecosystem finally.
Few Tips to implement Paradigm shift in Women (Champions of Change)
Here we go—-
1.Invest in yourself:-
Priority is ME, ME, and ME only. An eagerness to learn consistently by spending quality time every day is a learned behavior that enriches andenlightens technically called the growth mindset.
2. Believe in yourself:-
“ I Believe in myself” is the commitment to the decision to climb up the ladder and face every challenge, debacle, or fear with willingness, Grit, and determination.
3. Push yourself past your comfort zone:-
You must get comfortable with being uncomfortable because fear kills more dreams than failure ever will. So never quit, keep trying, if fail, dust yourself off, again get yourself right and push forward.
4. Make connections and Explore:-
It is imperative to always be in touch with the mentors, guides, and make new connections or Join community is a proactive approach to explore your unleashed talents, innovations, creativity, volunteering your areas of interests to be future-ready.
5.Empower and create an opportunity for others:-
It is a privilege to empower and enable more and more women to become the leaders of today, giving them the power to fly, developing holistically, and promising opportunities to create a better& better place in society (Women for Women)
6.Mental compartments:-
Assertive and pragmatic approach, thanksgiving attitude, counting your blessings every day &Faith in God, Making To- Do – List every day, Cherishing every task is an excellent strategy for cementing Self relationships(Metacognitive abilities and Reflection)…
Celebrate ME (I AM A WOMAN) – Amazing Mom, Incredible Sister, Best Friend, Remarkable Colleague, Wonderful Companion and Architects of Society and Nation Builder. And
Cheers and Gratitude to the Universe!!!!
Her Career Conversations!!!25th March 2021 ,11 am to 12 pm ,Zoom Session.
Join Jenny (Coach @HSI) and Jayanthi (Program Manager @HSI) in a closed group conversation to find answers to your burning questions on ways to rebuild your career, career opportunities in IT and non-IT streams and ways to motivate self to achieve professional success.
Enroll now : Enroll Now : https://bit.ly/Her_Career_conversations
About the Author
Manisha Tandon, a passionate and innovative writer with years of experience in Banking Finance sector intends to reach out millions empower enlighten society.The idea producing collection thoughts that will go long way reaching deep into many hearts, keeping mesmerizing name ever fresh minds readers. She strongly believe Learning is learned behavior contents surely help readers their transformation spreading positivity motivation them holistically lead life fulfillment.
Her Second Innings supports women professionals on a sabbatical in their journey of getting back to work. The mission of HSI is to guide women to achieve financial independence. Support from HSI comes in the form of job interviews, reskilling programs in Automation and, free Career Guidance Counselling. Sign up with us and complete your profile to get a call from our counselors to know your job fit.
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