“Learn continually. There’s always “one more thing” to learn.” — Steve Jobs
In this fast paced world, with new levels of competition sprouting each passing day, continuous learning is a necessity and not an option. In all fields, the need to be ahead of the curve dominates. Fortunately, the advancement of Information technology has bought new arenas of opportunities to learn without the traditional classroom approach and broaden one’s Intellectual Horizon at ease.
With rapid innovations in various fields and the threat of automation looming, staying relevant has become indispensable. Apart from learning new skills, it’s pertinent to revisit the skills already acquired to stay significant.
Organisations are set with the growing need for upskilling employees regularly to align with their business demands. In my previous organisation, most of the training’s happened through web based modules. The emergence of MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) has made it possible to attend courses at our suitability. Few advantages of learning online:
- It’s possible to learn at your time and convenience. Even after a hectic day, it’s stress-free to sit in the comfort of your home and learn.
- It’s cost effective. No need to shell out big bucks, most of the online courses are comparatively inexpensive than regular courses.
- It suits the speed of each person. There is always the advantage of learning at one’s pace without hindering others.
- Saves travel time, no hassle of going to a different location to learn.
- One can acquire multiple skills simultaneously. Cross skilling helps to stay ahead of the competition curve.
In professional life, we are set with two choices: to learn continuously and accelerate growth or stay complacent and face the risk of redundancy. It’s wiser to choose the former and capitalise on the easy modes of learning available. Fortunately, the world has become a global village today and bestows plenty of opportunities in learning for those who seek.
Barring age, designation and gender, continuous learning will help you to acquire enhanced levels of intellect, thereby increasing your chances for a rise up the corporate ladder. I admire the attitude of Michelangelo, who at the age of 87 stated “Ancora imparo“ which translates to ‘’I am still learning”.
You may also want to read other articles written by the author: ‘Stop limiting yourself‘, ‘Doing what you love – hobbies and passion to opportunity‘, ‘ Maximise your productivity to unleash your potential‘, ‘Be your own boss‘, ‘Broaden your intellectual horizon‘, ‘Career metamorphosis – Expert to beginner’, “Importance of networking for success in your career“, ‘Busy Day vs Productive Day‘, ‘Money matters for womens financial independence‘.
About the Author:
Nithya Jagadish – A commerce graduate with an overall experience of 10 years in the Corporate Industry. Having handled diversified assignments at HSBC and Hewlett Packard, I decided to take a break for a while. Now, a doting mother of a one year old child, I spend my day reading, apprising on my topics of interest and baby-sitting. I strongly believe in living life to the fullest and making the most of each beautiful day.
(The author is a guest blogger at Her Second Innings. The opinions expressed are those of the author.)
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