It is very easy for a woman to lose herself in the myriad of complexities and routine work that engulf her daily. At the same time, it is essential, that she remains positive and happy, as a woman is indeed the ‘emotional’ head of a family. Seldom does she realize this fact.
Here are few tips that will be of help to everyone to stay motivated.
The very first thing that we, as women, need to understand is that our body is the only place that we must live in. So, we just NEED to give appropriate importance to our body. We can never have a happy mind without a happy body. So, do whatever it takes, to take of your body – exercise, go for yoga, swimming, walking, eat well, sleep well.
This earth is the home for all types of species and it is not essential for every species to get along nicely with the other! We are here to live our life and not to please or to be compared with anyone else. Our journey is simply unique. So just throw away the toxic people from your life and surround yourself with motivated positive people. Their positivity will rub off on you, in the longer run.
Try to read or watch motivational videos and establish a routine in your life. As simple as it may sound, establishing a routine is the most essential step to achieving anything.
As humans, our brains do get triggered with multiple type of thoughts; some may be good, and some may be bad. It does not really matter. It is a natural process for us to feel Up and Down. But it is very essential that we are alert to it and do not get carried away by a mood. As the saying goes, ‘Its ok to fall down; but you just need to get back up’. Take your time – Cry, Scream or even just sleep, eat your favourite food, watch a nice movie – but just get back up.
Take one step at a time. Remember there is no human on this earth who has walked on the day he was born.
Look at your children. They are the best teachers in this world who can motivate us. Just watch how a baby keeps trying to walk or to get up. Just watch them how they keep trying to get something that they want. So, the talent and the confidence are definitely there in you – you just need to bring out that child in you who can keep trying without worrying about anything else.
Bring out the child in you who can be happy at every small achievement. After all we have just one life to live. So Live your life to your hearts content.
About the author:
Sudha Divakar- A Proud stay at home mom. She has worked in the IT industry for 15 years and hastaken a break to take care of her priorities. She is an avid reader and enjoys watching movies withher tiny tots at home. She believes that life is full of beauty and must be lived one day at a time.
(The author is a guest blogger at Her Second Innings. The opinions expressed are those of the author.)
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