“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul”- Invictus by William Ernest Henley.
Gone are days when the tradition of preparing for bank or other competitive exams was inculcated in our minds as a teenager. Breaking barriers, Women have been a powerful force in all facets of work including start-ups. The conventional role of choosing safe jobs is no more a compulsion and the world has given a plethora of opportunities to be your own boss, to be an entrepreneur!
There is no need to fit into a mould when you can stand out and create your own identity. With the advancement of technology, it’s possible to start a business and promote the same without much hassle. A few points to be considered before commencing your business:
- Understand your strengths and interests. It’s easy to succeed in an industry where your passion lies.
- Be cognizant of your finances. Start small, eventually with the expansion, investors would follow.
- Capitalise on Social networking sites and utilise it most to promote the brand.
- Nothing substitutes hard work, especially in the initial stages when business is at infancy.
- Try to have a network of likeminded people who will guide you during testing times.
As an entrepreneur, you’ll have the privilege of working at your own hours; implement your ideas that were hitherto not heeded. It’s not necessary to start on giant scale, a simple business from home, working flexi hours and making money is a good option. A friend of mine, Smrity, who had a flourishing career in corporate field, chose to start her own venture of Event Management and today runs it single handed.
I deeply respect Kiran Mazmudar Shaw, Founder & MD of Biocon. Failing to obtain scholarship in Medical school, she studied the science of fermentation to become a Brewmaster, a non-conventional segment for women. Since brew master was then termed a man’s job, she found no employment in India and went on to work in Scotland. She returned back and started Biocon in her garage with a capital of Rs.10,000. Today, she is a global influencer featuring in ‘Forbes magazine’s ‘100 Most Powerful Women’ and a self-made billionaire.
Though success is not always guaranteed, not trying is regret greater than failure. Being an entrepreneur sure does come with immense responsibilities and at times, no one to fall back on. But it’s the risk that makes this business rewarding.
To conclude, it’s true that nothing worth having comes easy. Often, the very thing that tests our resilience is the one that will take us to greater heights. While working for someone and attaining success is one way, starting your own business, running it despite odds and being your own Boss is a sense of achievement that only people with strong conviction will accomplish.
You may also want to read other articles written by the author: ‘Stop limiting yourself‘, ‘Doing what you love – hobbies and passion to opportunity‘, ‘ Maximise your productivity to unleash your potential‘, ‘Be your own boss‘, ‘Broaden your intellectual horizon‘, ‘Career metamorphosis – Expert to beginner’, “Importance of networking for success in your career“, ‘Busy Day vs Productive Day‘, ‘Money matters for womens financial independence‘.
About the author:
Nithya Jagadish – A commerce graduate with an overall experience of 10 years in the Corporate Industry. Having handled diversified assignments at HSBC and Hewlett Packard, I decided to take a break for a while. Now, a doting mother of a one year old child, I spend my day reading, apprising on my topics of interest and baby-sitting. I strongly believe in living life to the fullest and making the most of each beautiful day.
(The author is a guest blogger at Her Second Innings. The opinions expressed are those of the author.)
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