It’s over!
The months of wondering where your life has been going, has finally come to an end. It was definitely fun doing your own thing, spending time with that little bundle of joy in your life and see them grow up, and not having to bother about those late night calls and early morning drive to work. No matter what you did, it was definitely worth it! You know why? Because you gave your hard-earned time to the most important person in your life – You!
Now it is time to brush up your skills, shake out those boots you had hung up in your closet during your break and get going once again! And believe me this time it is going to be a lot better. As this time it is going to be the wiser, older and smarter you who will be calling the shots. As you blow out that last kiss to your beautiful self and slip on those stilettos here are three tips that will help to keep you sailing steadily. Remember while you were busy polishing your oars all these years, a pretty little gale has been making the career scene quite turbulent. So brace yourself well and you are sure to Rock it!
- Do Your Homework
Today we are riding the digital wave. Happily for some and not so happily for others. New careers have emerged while old ones have evolved (and some have been dissolved). Therefore it is critical that you do not go out of shape (physically or careeristically).
Read, Talk, Participate and Contribute whatever or wherever you think would be appropriate to help you enhance your career goals. A friend of mine who was an architect had taken a long break when her daughter was born. However, she always managed to make time to participate in any conference being held for topics in her field. She also made it a point to drop in for exhibitions or road shows to keep herself abreast with the latest trends and technologies in her field of work.
No matter how hard pressed you are for time, it is always a good idea to chalk out a certain time in the day for self-study and reskilling. It is very crucial to know the depth of the pool you are getting in before you dive. That will help to make you more confident swimmer and the dive a perfect somersault.
2. Build a Support System
When you have decided to take the plunge, you need to ensure that your home front is well taken care of. Kids and of course sometimes their fathers will always need taking care of. Since you don’t want to be around always, now that you have decided to make a run for the door, grab anybody else who is available. Your parents, in-laws, friends, nanny. If nobody else is available train your husband/partner.
Make sure they understand how important it is for you to keep your cool at work. Tell them all that you don’t want to go wrong at the home front. Let them know what you don’t want to see when you come back after a long day. It always helps to have helpful and understanding people around you who will have your back no matter what.
However, it is very important that you should be able to trust whoever, you are leaving your house to. If you are hiring a Nanny make sure you do a thorough background check. For mothers-in law and sometimes even mothers you need to do a deep discussion on why you decide to give up this sublime ‘paradise’ and dive into ‘hell’ all over again. Nevertheless, at the end it will be definitely worth it. Women understand each other the best. They maybe their worst enemies but they can also be their best friends.
3. Never Look Back
Once you are all set and have handed over your house to your chosen help, NEVER LOOK BACK. Whether it is your own new start-up or a new job you are taking up it is always wise to not keep thinking of what is happening back home while you are at work. If you are happy with the setup you have organized then trust them enough to let them do their work while you focus on yours. It may sound rude but the house can run without you but your work cannot.
Taking a break does in no way diminish your worth. Rather it is an opportunity you give yourself to enhance yourself with knowledge, skills and creative abilities. Challenge yourself to reach for the skies because you deserve to achieve your dreams.
You may also want to read other articles written by the same author ‘Tips To Knowing Yourself Better‘, ‘The P-C-R approach to achieve financial stability‘, ‘Emotional awareness for personal and professional success‘, ‘Tips to improve your resume writing‘ ‘Back from the break – 3 tips to make you rock it’.
About the author:
Amrita is a freelance writer currently based out of Pune. She has worked with organizations as a Technical and Web Content Writer. Her short stories have been published on Amazon and on Juggernaut books. She is an avid traveler and her travel stories are available on her blog – Amritawrites.
(The author is a guest blogger at Her Second Innings. The opinions expressed are those of the author.)
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